We’ll Pay You To Learn
Education is the key to job advancement and a more fulfilling career. The CGA Educational Foundation is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals by providing the opportunity to enhance job skills and education by assisting with the cost of tuition.

Our goal is to help people employed in the industry gain the knowledge, skills and abilities to improve their performance and increase their chances for advancement within the industry.
Employees taking courses that enhance their job knowledge and/or courses that support their career aspirations in the grocery or grocery-related manufacturing industries are eligible to receive up to $300 of tuition reimbursement per course. Each employee may receive up to $2,400 annually. Classes may be taken through seminars, workshops, community colleges, accredited colleges and universities, or online programs.
All courses taken within the WAFC Retail Management Certificate (RMC) Program are automatically approved. Additionally, book purchases for RMC courses are eligible for reimbursement.