To view a specific webinar, click the webinar title to log in to the CGA Members Only section.
Understanding Immigration Policy
This webinar reviews existing employment documentation requirements, provides best practices for ensuring compliance with immigration laws, and offers guidance to protect your business’ and employee’s rights.
Presenters: Vance Piggot & Kate Zemlo-Rivas, Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard
FSMA Food Traceability
This webinar helps grocers prepare for the FDA’s enforcement deadline for the FSMA 204 Food Traceability Rule, which was slated to take effect in January 2026.
Presenter: Derek Hammum, Repositrak
New Laws for 2025
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California in 2025, and provide guidance to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenters: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP, and Michel LeClerc, North State Grocery
Workplace Violence Prevention
The webinar outlines the requirements of SB 553 which requires employers to establish, implement, and maintain an effective written workplace violence prevention plan, and train their workforce about the plan and violence prevention strategies.
Presenters: Rachel Conn & Andrea Chavez, Conn Maciel Carey LLP
New Laws for 2024
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and provide guidance to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenters: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP, and Michel LeClerc, North State Grocery
What to Know NOW about FSMA 204
This webinar outlines the Food Safety Modernization Act Rule 204 and its implications on food traceability in the retail grocery and supply chain industries.
Presenter: Derek Hannum, ReposiTrak
Advanced Clean Fleets
The webinars explores CARB’s Advanced Clean Fleets rule.
Presenter: Conner Whaley, e-Mission Control
Decoding the CCPA in 2023
This webinar shares details of the latest updates to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and offers guidance to grocers on compliance efforts.
Presenter: Peter Stockburger, Denton’s
Cal/OSHA’s Covid-19 Regulation & Enforcement Outlook for 2023
This webinar provides an update on the “permanent” Cal/OSHA covid-19 regulation, and reviews inspection tactics and enforcement trends for the coming year.
Presenters: Karen Tynan & Robert Rodriguez, Ogletree Deakins
New Laws for 2023
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and provide guidance to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
CBD Manufacturing & Sales Compliance
This webinar will explore the impact of AB 45’s passage allowing sales of hemp-derived CBD products in California.
Presenter: Patrick Goggin, Law Office of Patrick Goggin
Hazard Pay Ordinances: Interpretation & Compliance
This webinar will explore the multitude of hazard pay ordinances across California, and highlight practical recommendations to ensure understanding and compliance.
Presenters: Attorneys Tony DeCristoforo & Bob Roginson, Ogletree Deakins
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinical Considerations
This webinar includes clinical considerations for the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines including vaccination in special populations, contraindications and precautions to vaccination, and recommended preparations for the potential management of anaphylaxis at vaccination sites.
Presenter: Dr. Sarah Kidd, Medical Officer, CDC
New Laws for 2021
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and provide guidance to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Workers’ Compensation: COVID-19 (SB 1159)
SB 1159 creates a rebuttable presumption for employees who suffer illness or death resulting from COVID-19 on or after July 6, 2020 through January 1, 2023. This webinar will provide an in-depth review of the responsibilities employers have when a worker files a COVID-19 Workers’ Comp claim and what parameters exist for them to rebut the claim.
Presenter: Carol Ungaretti, Aon Commercial Risk Solutions
Meeting Compliance & Food Safety Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
This webinar addresses food safety, sanitation and regulatory requirements of grocery retailers and food processors for the “new normal” of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The session provides implementation strategies to fulfill obligations of COVID-19, Cal/OSHA & other food safety requirements.
Presenters: Dr. Rachel Goeriz, Exponent, and Alecia Cotton & Jon-Erik Magnus, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell Law Practice
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
This webinar outlines key components of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), discussed the Attorney General’s enforcement efforts, and examines how the Act aligns with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
Presenter: Peter Stockburger, Dentons LLP
COVID-19 Impacts on Workers’ Compensation
This webinar outlines Governor Newsom’s Executive Order’s impacts on Workers’ Compensation claims related to COVID-19 illness.
Presenter: Liz Stallard, Downey Brand
PPP Update: Loan Forgiveness and Finance Alternatives
This webinar focuses on informing CGA members who have qualified for a PPP loan on how forgiveness is calculated, and other finance alternative for companies who did not receive a PPP loan.
Presenters: Stephen Redmond, Frank Kaufmann, Eric Krienert & Spike Welton, Moss Adams
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
This webinar addresses the ramifications of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and best practices for employers implementing its provisions.
Presenters: Tony DeCristoforo & Michael Nader, Ogletree Deakins
Impacts of Governor Newsom’s April 16 Executive Order
On April 16, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom released an Executive Order with dramatic impacts to grocery retailers. This webinar addresses the ramifications of the order and best practices for retailers implementing its requirements.
Presenters: Louie Brown & Ann Grottveit, Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
California grocers and related businesses are facing workplace safety challenges and issues related to COVID-19. This webinar focuses on helping CGA members understand how to anticipate and respond to the hazards created by the coronavirus.
Presenters: Karen Tynan & Kevin Bland, Ogletree Deakins
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) is a sweeping new data privacy law that took effect on January 1, 2020. This CLE presentation provides a dive deep into the CCPA and its impact on the grocery industry.
Presenter: Peter Stockburger, Dentons LLP
New Laws for 2020
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
California Mandatory Organics Recycling Program
Presenter: Angela Levin, Troutman Sanders, LLP
New Laws for 2019
This webinar provides an overview of the new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether companies must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Dealing with Unwanted Solicitors
The webinar provides a discussion of the law regarding when a retailer can exclude non-union solicitors (everyone from signature gatherers to Girl Scouts) from their premises. It also covered the civil and criminal remedies available to retailers when solicitors will not leave voluntarily, and how to exclude solicitors, particularly if the local law enforcement agency is reluctant to remove and/or arrest them.
Presenter: John McCarron, Downey Brand LLC
New Proposition 65 Warning Regulations
The webinar provides a brief primer on the new Proposition 65 warning regulations that go into effect less than a year from now as well as highlight those portions of the regulations that are most important to CGA’s members. In addition, we will discuss some ways CGA members can manage their Proposition 65 risk under the new regulations.
Presenter: Leila Bruderer, Attorney, Downey Brand LLC
New laws for 2018
During this important webinar, you will learn more about new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether your company must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Refrigeration, Climate Change and the Changing Regulatory Framework
The California Air Resources Board approved the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Strategy on March 23 of this year, a plan for reaching mandated targets including a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 2030, below 2013 levels. HFCs are commonly used in grocery stores today. The Strategy was required by SB 605 and SB 1383 (Lara) as a key part of the state’s overall climate change effort. The webinar will discuss the proposed measures for California as well as the changing regulatory framework both nationally and internationally, including the global HFC phasedown that was adopted last October (2016) as an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The webinar will also discuss refrigeration technologies going forward that are being designed to meet the HFC measures identified in the Strategy, and the incentive options and other assistance available today that can help with early adoption.
Presenters: Glenn Gallagher, Staff Air Pollution Specialist, & Jason Meggs, Air Pollution Specialist
New Laws for 2017
During this important webinar, you will learn more about new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether your company must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
OSHA’s New Electronic Record-keeping Requirements: Ramifications for Employers
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently issued a controversial final rule requiring some facilities to submit injury and illness records electronically. As part of its continuing efforts to “shame” employers, OSHA will make the records public, which could provide fodder for employee-side advocates seeking to use the data as leverage. The revised regulation also creates an entirely new cause of action for employees who claim that their employers retaliated against them for reporting work-related injuries or illnesses. Join us for a webinar to discuss the expanded record-keeping requirements and the rule’s significant ramifications for employers.
Presenter: Melissa A. Bailey, Ogletree Deakins
Transactions Involving Grocery Stores: The Effect of the New California Grocery Worker Retention Law
During this important webinar, you will learn about the new CWR ordinance that will significantly impact grocery companies in California. What does the new statute cover? Must a buyer always recognize a union if there is a union at the store being acquired? What happens if there is an existing collective bargaining agreement at the store being acquired? Isn’t this statute unconstitutional? How is this statute different from the statute in Los Angeles?
Presenter: Steven M. Zadravecz, JONES DAY® – One Firm WorldwideSM
New Laws for 2016
During this important webinar, you will learn more about new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether your company must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Dealing with Unwanted Solicitors
The webinar includes a discussion of the law regarding when a retailer can exclude non-union solicitors (everyone from signature gatherers to Girl Scouts) from their premises. It also covered the civil and criminal remedies available to retailers when solicitors will not leave voluntarily, and how to exclude solicitors, particularly if the local law enforcement agency is reluctant to remove and/or arrest them.
Presenter: John C. McCarron, Downey Brand LLP
FDA Menu Labeling Rule
This webinar has been setup exclusively for CGA members to provide further guidance on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s menu labeling final rule, which was released in December 2014. FDA officials will give an overview of the final rule and answer questions from CGA members following the agency’s presentation. On December 1, 2014 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its final rule implementing “Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items at Chain Restaurants,” included as Section 4205 of the Affordable Care Act. The rule will be effective one-year from its publication date (December 1, 2015). The rule effectively regulates supermarkets as well as supercenters, general merchandise, convenience stores and other non-restaurant establishments under the menu labeling regulations and provides additional guidance on the scope of foods covered, what is considered a “standard menu item” and how calorie information may be displayed for foods that are covered under the rule.
Presenter: Felicia B. Billingslea, Director, Food Labeling and Standards Staff, Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary Supplements, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA
Network Security & Compliance Update
This webinar has been setup exclusively for grocers to provide the latest information on best practices for securing your business from the latest cyber threats. Technology creep into the Grocery Industry is expanding on daily basis and many store operators are often in the blind on the best way to manage this technology while also ensuring that their network security is maintained. Real world examples and solutions will be provided as well as the opportunity to ask our experts questions about topics such as firewalls, anti-virus, PCI Compliance, EMV and more.
Presenter: Ken Andrews, CIO, Millennium Technologies LLC
New Laws for 2015
During this important webinar, you will learn more about new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether your company must comply.
Presenter: Louie A. Brown, Jr. , Attorney at Law Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Developments and Trends in California and Federal Environmental Regulatory Compliance That Impact Grocers
In this webinar, we will review the latest developments and trends in California and federal environmental regulatory compliance that impact grocers. The webinar will focus on legislative and regulatory developments in 2014, and those coming in 2015 that grocers should be aware of to ensure compliance with environmental laws at the California and federal level.
Presenter: Leila Bruderer, Downey Brand Attorneys, LLC
Lawfully Selling Shelled Eggs in California
The legal landscape for the sale of shelled eggs in California will dramatically change on January 1, 2015. On that date, Proposition 2 (Health & Safety Code §§ 25990-25994), AB 1437 (Health & Safety Code §§ 25995-25996) and California Department of Food and Agriculture regulations (3 CCR §§ 1350 and1354) take effect. These laws govern the permissible enclosure size for egg-laying hens and define the shelled eggs that are lawful to sell in California. AB 1437 imposes criminal penalties on anyone who sells shelled eggs in violation of the law. This webinar will focus on the requirements of these laws and on steps California retailers can take to make sure they are lawfully selling shell eggs beginning January 1, 2015.
Presenters: Dale Stern, Downey Brand Attorneys, LLP
John McCarron, Downey Brand Attorneys, LLP
Tony Herrera, California Department of Food and Agriculture
Navigating the Complex Regulatory Environment for California Grocery Stores
From Weights and Measures to the Health Department and every Agency in between find out what they want from you, and how to be prepared for a successful visit. We know that California is a very regulated state. Many grocery stores can be inspected by up to 10 different regulatory agencies each with different mandates. Learn what to do when inspectors come in to your stores so that your locations will always be audit ready. We will discuss the regulations that they enforce, what types of actions are taken for non-compliances and how to recognize escalating enforcement.
Presenter: Jon Freed, Director of Quality Assurance, UL Everclean
Hazardous Waste Enforcement on the Rise: Managing Your Risk and Shrinking the Target
In this webinar, we will discuss the rise of hazardous waste enforcement actions against grocers in California. We will review the anatomy of those recent enforcement actions and identify the common violations that the District Attorneys and local Certified Unified Program Agencies have focused on. We will then discuss the tools that grocers can use to reduce their risk of a hazardous waste enforcement action.
Presenter: Leila Bruderer, Attorney, Downey Brand LLC and Gary Lucks, Partner, Environmental Resources Management
Part Two: Essential Policies to Avoid “Gotcha” Overtime and Unpaid Wage Claims
Recent legislation in California has imposed increasingly technical requirements governing when to pay employees and how to pay them. New requirements also govern how to calculate the precise amount worked. In this new regulatory environment, good faith and good intentions are insufficient. Nor is it sufficient to rely on a third party payroll administrator. The courts and state agencies have adopted a “zero tolerance” position toward pay violations. As a result, employers must master the letter and spirit of every law governing pay practices.
Learn which policies employers should adopt now to prevent pay claims. Learn which practices will serve as “insurance” to discourage lawsuits. We will identify the most common claims and the reasons why employers are targeted. We will also review three sample forms employers can adopt to rebut frivolous claims.
Presenter: Barbara Cook, Partner, Cook | Brown LLP
A Practical Plan of Action to Avoid Harassment Claims
Employers in California are increasingly paying a high price for harassment claims, even where the harassment was inconsequential, occurred outside of work or was never reported. The high price includes not only significant payments to employees and their attorneys, but tarnished reputations and hours of lost productivity. Harassment claims are preventable however. A few strategic and practical steps will eliminate the potential for most claims. Learn how to: (1) update outdated policies; (2) hold supervisors accountable; (3) develop a user-friendly complaint system; and (4) follow through on harassment complaints. Learn where employers are most vulnerable and the types of complaints most likely to be filed. Learn why social media presents a particularly difficult challenge for today’s employer.
Presenter: Barbara Cook, Partner, Cook | Brown LLP
As employers, what are the rules for dealing with employees and their use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)? Can you fire an employee for their Facebook posts? Can you search their Twitter account when you consider them for a job opening? From recruiting to discipline, this webinar presents a practical guide to the legal dos and don’ts for dealing with employees and social media.
Speaker: David Van Pelt, Sheppard Mullins Richter & Hampton LLP
The Impact of California’s Drought on Retail Operations and Consumers
The Winter of 2013-2014 will go down in historic terms for the extended December freeze and the Polar Vortex becoming the nation’s most famous new weather phenomena. However, the most impactful issue that is sure to make an impact on retail operations for the coming year is the drought gripping California. While February is starting with much-needed rains, the depleted snow-pack and Governor Brown’s declaration of a Drought State of Emergency, this issue will not go away quietly. On March 19th, California Grocers Association Members will learn about the impact to California’s Fruit and Vegetable production and how to forecast and plan for the coming summer dry season.
Barry Bedwell, President, California Grape and Treefruit League
Ron Midyett, President and CEO, Apio Inc.
Jeff Oberman, VP, Trade Relations, United Fresh Produce Association
Funny Things Happened On Our Way To Economic Recovery
Falling unemployment, improving housing market, growing new car sales,
rising consumer confidence, but why is the recovery not as evident in
consumer-packaged-goods retailing? What is holding sales back? Is it our
stores, our assortment, our price/value equation, and/or our shoppers? And
is growth a short or long-term issue and how does our industry collaborate to
accelerate store sales?
Recognized industry expert Todd Hale will discuss the challenges and opportunities in creating success in Center Store and explore developing collaborative solutions that tap into today’s shopping patterns and increase financial results.
Todd Hale serves as Senior Vice President, Consumer & Shopper Insights for Nielsen. A frequently sought-after industry and client speaker, Todd shares his insights on consumer shopping, buying and media consumption behaviors and attitudes to provide manufacturers and retailers with strategic visions to facilitate brand, category and retail sales growth.
Affordable Health Care Act
Although much of the discussion about the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) has focused on the expansion of medical insurance coverage to the uninsured, the law will also result in changes for companies who provide insurance coverage to their employees. This webinar will summarize the requirements imposed on companies to provide insurance coverage to employees (including the applicability of penalties and multi-employer plan transition rules), the availability of subsidies, as well as the current deadlines for employer compliance with the ACA’s obligations, and recommended approaches for companies of different sizes to follow the ACA in as cost-efficient a manner as possible. The webinar will cover these issues with an interactive program that combines what the ACA requires with their practical application for employers.
Speaker: David Van Pelt, Attorney at Law, Sheppard Mullin
Emerging Retail Technology*
In this eye-opening presentation, David Selinger, the high-tech entrepreneur responsible for leading the development of’s highly-effective ‘personalization’ software, explores how technology is influencing the way people shop and explain how retailers can connect with this next generatio of shoppers. David also sits down for a fireside chat with Gokul Rajaram, an executive from Square Inc., a Silicon Valley start-up developing mobile wallet & mobile register technology, to discuss their innovations specific to grocery and how it can improve the experience for customers and make transactions faster and more efficient.
*Rebroadcast of CGA Strategic Conference Keynote Luncheon
Implications of City of Los Angeles Bag Ban – Webinar
The CGA Educational Foundation, in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation hosted a webinar on Wednesday, September 25 at 10:00am for CGA members to address specifics of the Los Angeles City bag ban. The bag ban will go into effect on January 1, 2014, for large stores. The webinar will provide our members with components of the legislation, any differences from the LA County ordinance, and offer an opportunity for our members to dialogue with the Bureau of Sanitation. The Bureau would also like to hear members’ thoughts on the best ways to publicize the upcoming bag ban, and how we can partner in the public education effort.
Daniel Hackney, Program Manager, City of Los Angeles
Jinderpal Bhandal, Environmental Specialist II, City of Los Angeles
Jackie David, Public Information Director, City of Los Angeles
You’ve Just Experienced A Data Breach…Now What?!
In a day and age where you can’t turn on the news without hearing about another data breach, understanding your exposure and being prepared for what could happen to you has never been more important. A few interesting facts from Verizon Security Consultants 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report. In a sample of 47,000 reported incidents with 621 confirmed breaches:
- 78% were not highly difficult involving little to no resources or customization of software.
- 75% were not targeted at a specific individual or company
- 66% of breaches took months (62%) or years (4%) to discover
Susan J. Beresford, Vice President, with Marsh Risk & Insurance Services, will talk through the data breach risk factors, current landscape, potential costs, and best practices pre & post breach.
Crisis Management in Action | The Tucson Tragedy
June 19th, 10:00am – 11:00am
On the morning of January 8, 2011, a gunman opened fire during a community meeting hosted by U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon. The event took place in a supermarket parking lot in a small suburban community and created waves of shock throughout the United States and abroad.
During a crisis an effective incident management strategy is critical. Have you recently evaluated whether or not your company has adequate plans in place to:
- Maintain connectivity and continuity,
- Handle media relations,
- Maintain information security,
- Assist law enforcement,
- Deliver high-volume and multi-channel communications, and
- Ensure employee safety
Join Safeway’s V.P. of Loss Prevention, Kathleen Smith as she shares lessons learned during a critical incident and the importance of an effective crisis management strategy.
Managing Hazardous Waste
May 22, 2013 | 10:00am (pst)
Recent federal and state enforcement actions have targeted grocers and other retailers for hazardous waste violations. In light of this increased focus, grocers and other retailers need to be informed about California’s hazardous waste regulations, and how to properly handle damaged and returned hazardous products in their stores. Many grocers are unaware of the wide variety of products sold in their stores that are hazardous materials, and become hazardous waste under the law when they are returned and cannot be used or are damaged.
Webinar presented by Clif McFarland & Leila Bruderer, Downey Brand Attorneys, LLC
Best Practices | Meal and Rest Breaks Compliance
April 17, 2013 | 10:30am (pst)
In April of last year, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Brinker v. Superior Court, which clarified an employer’s obligations with respect to providing meal and rest periods to employees. While the decision is overall a favorable one for employers and reduces some of the most difficult burdens in connection with meal and rest periods, it also raises a number of issues for companies as they assess the most effective and efficient ways to fulfill their obligations to employees.
This webinar will focus on what steps an employer must take to ensure that it complies with its legal duty to “provide” meal and rest periods to non-exempt employees. For example, how should an employer track deviations from the meal period policy and correct them? How much control should managers be given to dictate employee meal periods? With respect to rest periods, what are the best practices for rest period compliance? What records (if any) should employers maintain regarding rest periods taken by employees? The webinar will address all of these issues and more, with an interactive program that will combine what the law requires with their practical application for California employers.
Speakers: Kate Visosky and David Van Pelt, Attorneys at Law, Sheppard Mullin
Impact of FSMA and the Produce Rule at Retail
March 20, 2013 | 10:00am (pst)
CGAEF has teamed up with the United Fresh Produce Association to produce a webinar providing details about the FDA’s proposed Produce Rule under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This webinar will offer insight and analysis of the draft FSMA rule and its impact on CGA Members on their procurement and store operations. This webinar will also provide an update on the work being done by United’s Produce Rule and Preventive Control Rule working groups, comprised of experts and produce and retail industry leaders, to lead a series of meetings on the proposed Produce Safety and Preventive Controls Rules.
Speakers: Dr. David Gombas, Sr VP of Food Safety & Technology, United Fresh; Jeff Oberman, Vice President, Trade Relations, United Fresh
Connecting with Shoppers in a New Economic Age
February 27, 2013 | 11:00am (pst)
The shopping landscape is continuing to evolve and shoppers are more taxed than ever to balance their needs and their wallets. Shoppers are also coming to the stores better prepared than ever for the “battle”. Today, some shoppers spend as much as an hour getting ready to maximize their deals as they make their way down the aisles of our various channels. Understanding how to appeal to their everyday needs and wants is critical to maximizing your success whether it’s through EDLP or targeted efforts, winning the shopper is more critical than ever.
Speaker: Larry Levin, SymphonyIRI Group
Shopping Topography: Mapping the New Consumer Pathways to Purchase
January 30, 2013 | 10:00am (pst)
While consumers continue to shop, even in the face of prolonged economic recovery, much has changed about the way they shop. Today’s consumers are faced with more product and brand choices, Channel options and economic pressures than ever before. They are also much savvier than any time in modern shopping history. Consequently, the need to understand the true picture underlying the HOW—and WHY—of shopping has never been greater.
Shopping Topography looks at the wider contexts of how and why consumers shop by taking a holistic approach to behaviors, expectations and experiences.
Speaker: June Jo Lee, The Hartman Group
New Laws for 2013
December 12, 2012 | 11:00am (pst)
During this important webinar, you will learn more about new laws that will significantly impact grocery companies in California and begin to determine whether your company must comply.
Speakers: Louie A. Brown, Jr. , Attorney at Law Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP
Impact of Election Day – What This Means for Your Business
November 9, 2012 | 10:00am (pst)
Now that the votes are in, learn the benefits and obstacles your business now faces, including the new power players and potential gridlock. Federal & State results will be shared.
Speakers: Keri Askew-Bailey, Vice President, Government Relations, CGA & Greg Ferrara, Vice President, Government Affairs, NGA
Affordable (Health) Care Act Webinar
October 24, 2012 | 11:00am (pst)
Many new regulations and guidance documents on health care reform have been issued in 2011. Presentation will address new rules for employers and the group health plans they sponsor for their employees. In addition, they will look ahead to 2013 & beyond, including how the “pay or play” mandates will affect both employers & employees.
Speakers: Howard Bye-Torre, Attorney & Anthony DeCristoforo, Attorney | STOEL RIVES LLP
2011 Legislative Overview Webinar
November 16, 2011
In late 2011, Governor Jerry Brown signed four bills into law that have implications on the grocery industry. During this important webinar, hosted by the CGA Educational Foundation, retailers will learn more about these new laws and their impact. They include AB 22 (pre-employment credit reports), AB 183 (alcohol sales restrictions at customer-operated checkout stand), AB 688 (expired infant formula, baby food and OTC pharmaceuticals), SB 514 (prohibiting sale of products containing Dextromethorphan).
San Jose Bag Ordinance Compliance Webinar
July 13, 2011
The City of San Jose Bag Ordinance goes into effect January 1, 2012. To prepare retailers to be in compliance, San Jose city staff provides information regarding conforming to the new ordinance.
California Transparency in Supply Chain Act Compliance Webinar
July 8, 2011
Beginning January 1, 2012, California businesses with at least $100 million in gross worldwide revenues will be required to comply with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. If you are subject to the Act, you will need to post specified information prominently on your company website (or make it available upon request should you not operate a website) regarding specific issues relating to human trafficking and slavery within your supply chain. Attorneys from the law firm of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP outline requirements of the law.